“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.”

— Hermann Hesse

family mediation, family court, mediation Tracy Fischer family mediation, family court, mediation Tracy Fischer

What’s In A Name?

When a couple marries one of the big decisions made initially will be…. what last name the female spouse will use. There may be a difference of opinion that will need to be ironed out. Will she keep her maiden name, will she take her new husband’s name or will the name be hyphenated? Many women see this change as an exciting rite of passage. What impact will this name have on the children they hope to have. This decision has a far- reaching impact that is often not considered at the time when the relationship is happy and the marriage is intended to last forever.

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Alternatives to Massachusetts Family Court

Family law disputes such as divorce, child custody, visitation, and spousal support discussions are often emotional and can be stressful. When two parties cannot agree, they may believe taking their case to court is the only option. However, litigation is expensive, emotionally draining and can be a very lengthy process. Additionally, the courtroom environment empowers the judge to make decisions instead of allowing the two parties involved to decide what is best.

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